Tell stories at home! Storytelling is as old as mankind. Stories evolved from anecdotes, our own stories stay with our and our children’s entire life. Why are our personal stories important? Why – When – Whom – should I tell stories, and what? The storytelling workshop will answer among many others, these questions.

Why – When – Whom – should I tell stories, and what? The storytelling workshop will answer among many others, these questions and give practical tips.
We can help you:

– if you want to tell stories to your child, grandchild, students,

– if you don’t know how to get started,

– if you don’t know who to tell stories and when.

The workshop is led by: Erika Hajós, a winding storyteller

The fee of the workshop: 3,000 HUF / person, with which you can support the storyteller’s mission.

Application form:

The workshop will be held via Zoom software application.

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